Friday, October 4, 2019

Data, information, and Organizational knowledge Essay - 3

Data, information, and Organizational knowledge - Essay Example ers’ orders are met on time and for a transaction to be complete it must pass all stages of the transaction process that is collection, storage, modification and retrieval. The second type of IS is decision support system which are generally computer based systems and subsystems intended to help decision makers use communications technologies, data, documents, knowledge and/or models to complete decision process tasks. . In most situation, it may be aimed at business executives or knowledge worker. The third type of IS is EIS (Executive Information System) that facilitates and supports overall management of an organization information and decision-making needs. This system specifically targets the needs of the upper management, and helps to provide useful information to the management in order to help facilitate decision making. It involves the computers, network, people and procedures. The forth type of information system is OAS (Office Automation system) refers to a type of system that facilitate information exchange between people in an organisation. A variety of office automation systems are now applied to business and communication functions that used to be performed manually or in multiple locations of a company, such as preparing written communications and strategic planning. The main benefit is that the more freely the information flows the more its productivity. The final type of information system is ES (expert systems) is a computer based decision tool that uses procedures that exhibits, within a specific domain to solve difficult decision making problems, based on the knowledge acquired from the expert. Instant messaging software like what’s up and 2go are good example of information systems. They lie under database information systems and categorized under communication driven DSS.DSS that are communication driven have primary purpose to help conduct a meeting or for users to collaborate. The internet messaging software allows a group of people

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