Monday, September 9, 2019

Engineering ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Engineering ethics - Assignment Example gained through studying, experience and practice is used to invent ways of utilizing economically the scarce materials and forces of nature to benefit mankind. It is therefore implicit that professional and ethical practices should be upheld to ensure public good is realized. In the recent engineers have failed to remain devoted to upholding high personal honour and professional integrity and accountability as they should in their practice. Despite the fact that their duties are clearly stated in all the phases of an engineering project and they are expected to concentrate on achieving goals set in their area of competence within the time allocated, there are complains of poor quality of work, failure to meet deadlines and failure to adhere by the governing rules especially about environmental conservation. This causes the society to doubt their professional integrity and accountability. Engineers are expected to be faithful to their employers and handle their clients’ information with confidentiality where necessary .It is ethical to be open to their colleagues and disclose anything that can affect their image directly or indirectly to their clients and society at large in order to uphold confidence in professional engineers. Society seeks engine ering services from those who show integrity and good citizenship. (Koen, B.V) Engineering projects are always done in teams, for a effective teamwork members are expected to utilise the skills or their specialists’ knowledge without looking down at others. They should be honest and forthright with each other, accepting responsibilities for ones action whether good or bad for fast identification and correction of errors that could otherwise result to failure of the whole project. Objective criticism of each other’s work improves the coordination and participation amongst all the team members. All members should present their statements or any information regarding project progress without fear of

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