Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hackers week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hackers week 3 - Essay Example Hacking can described as the subculture of people who are focused on exploiting the computer networks vulnerabilities for illegal motives (Schiller, 2010). Hacking can be unethical or ethical depending on the motivation. Ethical hacking is legal and is conducted when repairing the networks or testing the security level (Schiller, 2010). Sometimes the actions of the hacker may be illegal but socially acceptable. For instance, hacking in to a corrupt government website may be socially acceptable since the hacker is able to disseminate information on unacceptable government dealings to the public. However, the hacker has no permission to access the website hence unauthorized to intrude in to the confidentiality of the information which again makes his or her actions illegal. Hacking activities may be legal when authorized by the owner of the system like incase of debugging and repairing a network or when the owner intents to know the security level of the system. Unauthorized hacking without any malicious motive is socially unacceptable and illegal (Schiller, 2010). Hacker subculture can be defined as the community of people focused on exploiting computer and networks security (Schiller, 2010). Commitment of the hacker is important since it defines the main goal and motive of hacking and whether the actions are legal or illegal. The commitment may be unauthorized and illegal like the Black hat hacker malicious activities. Commitment may also to debug or repair security problems which is legal or may be morally ambiguous and intentional like the gray hat hacker activities (Schiller, 2010). However, hackers have different commitments and motivations according to their motive. All hackers exploit systems vulnerabilities and network loopholes but are classified according to the shade of hat which they â€Å"wear† in their hacking operations (Schiller, 2010). Black hat hackers’ motivations are illegal and their commitment to hacking is usually high. They

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