Thursday, August 29, 2019

Causes and Effects of Heart Failure

Causes and Effects of Heart Failure Elizabeth Makouta K. Assessment 2 Definition of Heart Failure: This is usually a progressive condition that reflects weakening of the heart by coronary atherosclerosis meaning the coronary vessels is build up with fatty clogging (Marieb 2012 p369) The body systems affected are: Kidney, Heart, Lungs, and Digestive System . Kidney’s function : is to eliminate nitrogen –containing e wastes, toxins, and drug from the body. Kidney also produce an enzyme ‘’renin’’ which help regulate blood pressure, and their hormone erythropoietin which stimulate red blood cell production in bone marrow (Marieb 2012 p. 512) Heart’s function: Is a muscular organ that pumps blood to all the tissues in the body through blood vessels, ‘weight less than a pound with the size of a person’s fist and a shape like cone-shaped’ (p 357).’’The right side pumps blood through the lungs where oxygen is picks up and carbon diox ide is unloaded. The left side of the heart receives blood containing oxygen and pump it to the rest of the body’’ (Marieb 2012 p 360). Lungs Function: Human body contain two lungs. ‘Lungs are large organs that occupy thoracic cavity except the heart in the central area. The left lung has two robes and the right lung has three robes’ (Marieb 2012 p.441). The lungs bring in oxygen to the body which is the air that we breathed for energy and remove carbon dioxide from the body which is the gas that comes out as waste products (American Thoracic Society 2014). . Digestive System: Digestive system starts from the mouth and ends up in the anus. The function of digestive system is to break down foods in to a simplest form for the absorption of the body as nourishment for cells and energy for the body usage (Marieb 2012 p.464). Signs and Symptoms Shortness of breath (dyspnoea) Fatigue and weakness Swelling (oedema) in your legs, ankles and feet Rapid or irregular heartbeat Reduced ability to exercise Persistent cough or wheezing (Nocturia) increased need to urinate at night Heart Pumps Faster Swelling of your abdomen (ascites) Sudden weight gain Lack of appetite and nausea Difficulty concentrating or decreased alertness Heart Grows Larger Elevated blood pressure Chest pain, if your heart failure is caused by a heart attack (Mayo Clinic 2014) Shortness of Breath : meaning there is not enough air getting into the body system why because of lack of oxygen as the heart is not able to pump enough blood (Mayo Clinic 2014 Fatigue and weakness : As the heart failed or become weak other parts of the body are affected including legs and arms making difficult do walk or climb the stairs because there is not sufficient blood getting to the legs and arms (University of California San Francisco 2014) Swelling: For kidney to function very well it needs its normal blood supply. Renin restores normal blood pressure and inc rease filtration of water and salt for filtration process to be normal (Marieb 2012 p. 512). But when blood flow to the kidney is limited then renin will also retain salt and water which will leads to fluid build-up in the body (feet, ankles and legs), ( University of California San Francisco 2014)

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