Sunday, August 25, 2019

Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Health Promotion - Essay Example This, therefore, meansthathealthpromotion has positiveeffects on practicesandpolicies that supporttheorganization’s profitability andindividual’s employability (Zenzano et al. 2011). Healtheducationbuildstheskills, knowledgeandpositiveattitudes of students about health. Healtheducationteaches about social, mental, emotionalandphysicalhealth. In addition to that, itmotivatesstudents to maintainandimprove their health, reduceriskbehaviorsandpreventdiseases. Healtheducationstudents are helped to learnskillsthatthey will apply in makinghealthychoices in their entirelife (Davidson 2010). Effectivehealtheducationresults in positivechanges in thestudent’s behavior which in thelongrunlower their risk around tobacco, alcoholandotherdrugs, prevention of injuries, sexualityandfamilylife, physicalactivity, mental, nutritionandemotionalhealthandprevention of diseases.Learning in othersubjects is promoted through healtheducation. One studyindicatedthat math andreadingscores of thirdand fourth gradestudentswerehighforthosewhounderwent a comprehensivehealtheducationandlowerforthosewhodid not. Anumber of studieshaveshownthattheperformance of healthierstudents is high. Their attendance is high, performbetter on testsandhavebettergrades. Thismeansthathealthystudentslearnbetter (Zenzano et al. 2011). Nurses have an importantrole ofimprovingthe adherence of thepatient to themedicine. Theydothis by checkingtheknowledge of thepatients, their understandingandproviding them with personalized supportandinformation. In addition to thateachnurse is supposed to ensurethat their patient’s adherence to medicinesis improved. A follow-up to find out if there are mattersaffectingthemedicinetakingbehavior of thepatient should also be carried out by thenurse. Nurses are supposed to checkthetreatmentmanagement of thepatientandtakethenecessaryactionifthepatientfails to

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