Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Nutrition - Essay Example The overall effect of these factors is however, cell impairment that inhibits the function of insulin to stimulate absorption of sugar into cells. When this resistance occurs, sugar cannot be efficiently absorbed and its levels rise above optimum. One of the major causes of type 2 diabetes is genetics. The disease is hereditary, which means that a parent with the disease before a child’s birth is likely to transfer the complication to his or her child. Similarly, diagnosis of the disease in a sibling is an indicator that a person is likely to be a victim. This is however a reflection of the genetic transfer from a parent (Diabetes, 1). A person’s origin has also been identified as a factor to developing diabetes. This is because some races have shown significantly higher susceptibility to the type II diabetes than others have. An example is the American Indian race. As a result, being an American Indian increases a person’s chances of contracting the disease. â€Å"High blood pressure,† as high as â€Å"140/90† and above is another factor that causes type II diabetes (Diabetes, 1). The basis of the disease, inability to experience efficient absorption of blood sugar into cells, explains the role of blood pressure in causing the disease. This is because transfer of molecules through cell membrane, whether facilitated by insulin or not, is a factor of pressure hence unfavorably high levels of pressure hinders the sugar molecules’ flow into cells. High levels of cholesterol also affect sugar absorption into cells causing type II diabetes. Higher levels such as above â€Å"35mg/dLâ €  have for example been identified to cause the disease (Diabetes, 1). Similarly, factors such as being overweight or being physically inactive also cause the disease and can be associated with effects of excessive accumulation of fats in the body (Diabetes, 1). People with type two diabetes exhibits specific complications that have been

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